





Construction requirements and precautions of road edge stone
The stone curb should be consistent with stone without cracks and weathering. The ultimate compressive strength of granite should be not less than 100MPa, the abrasion rate of Losangeles method is less than 30%, and the wear rate of the method is less than 5%. The radioactivity level of stone curb should meet the radioactive specific activity of CRae less than 1000Bq/kg radium equivalent concentration.
Side and flat stone construction
The curb should be firmly built, straight, bent and no corner. The top surface should be smooth without wrong teeth.
The curb must be installed before the asphalt pavement is constructed and protected during the asphalt pavement construction to prevent contamination.
After the gravel is buried, the backfill materials should be compacted or protected to prevent the deformation of the surface layer, and it is forbidden to lay the edge stone in the surface layer after the asphalt pavement is paving.
RC back concrete C20 concrete.
To check the road stone that is transported to the construction site again, it should be taken lightly to avoid the damage, the strength is not qualified, the color and lustre is not consistent, the appearance size error 5mm, the lack of edge, the angle, the pit, the crack and the color are not consistent, so it is not used for the inspection of the unqualified.
2. Measurement of lofting
Before the installation of the road edge stone, we should check the middle line of the road, set up the edge stone to install the side pile and the height control pile, the straight section pile distance is 10m, the curve section is not more than 5m, the intersection is 1 ~ 5m. Control measurements are carried out according to the design elevation.
3, road border stone transportation
1. The transportation of the curb stone requires the factory to install splint between the curb blocks and blocks, layers and layers, and carry out packing in four corners to ensure the integrity of the curb.
2. The curb stone is processed by the manufacturer approved by the owner and the supervisor. The road edge stone factory must be inspected. After being transported to the construction site, the material quality inspector inspected its components according to the standard, sampling inspection and witness sampling in time, and having quality certificate and quality inspection report.
(3) the first transportation is carried out by the forklift truck at the processing plant, and the vehicle is transported to the two pools of the pedestrian walkway on the spot.
Before the second transport installation, use small forklift truck to carry out the installation at intervals, with the use of transport. After installation, the remaining kerbs will be transported back to the designated places of the pedestrian walkway and the safety signs will be set up with green net.
During the transportation process, the curb kerbs should be protected against collision and light damage. The road stones shipped to the construction site should be installed in time.
Before processing, the arc radius of each intersection should be compared with the actual field according to the numerical value of the circular arc radius marked on the design drawings. If there are errors in time to notify the designer to modify and recheck it, the manufacturer should be provided to the manufacturer and the manufacturer to process it.
4. Installation of road edge stone
(1) the cushion is C20 concrete; M7.5 cement mortar undercover, proportion control, site set scale, according to the weight of each bag of cement, weighing the weight of sand and stone water, sand and stone water each standard barrel measurement.
2. Install the road stone by the position of the artificial line. Before installation, clean the foundation and keep it moist. When installing, first use wire rope to control the curl of curbs, then check with a horizontal ruler. After installation, C20 concrete will be used for back pouring in time. Road edge stone masonry should be smooth, adjacent granite road edge stone seam with 4mm thick iron plate or plastic plate control, adjacent concrete road edge stone seam with 8mm thick iron plate or plastic plate control, adjacent road edge stone cracks should be uniform, road edge stone and pavement no gap, no leakage of water.
The width of the granite road margin is 5mm.
(4) the number of blocks of the road edge of each intersection is calculated in advance. When the road is built, the section of the road is built by the cutting point of one side intersection to the other side of the intersection. The edge stone of the intersection is controlled by the slope of the contour line.
5. The granite kerbs at the ends of the intersection and the ends of the isolation belt should be prefabricated according to the design arc, and the length of the single block should not be less than 70cm. It is not allowed to use small standard blocks for splicing. The installation speed of kerbs meets the needs of site construction, and must be installed before the upper layer construction.
After the inspection of the road edge stone, the line must be hung again to adjust the side stone straight, smooth, smooth and leveling, and every 20m should be detected, and the adjustment should be made when the plane and the elevation exceed the standard.
Site cleaning: after the installation of the curb stone, clean the contaminated sites and roads in time.
The finished kerb is covered with plastic film to protect the finished product from damage and surface contamination.
5, barrier free crossing and maintenance
1. When constructing the curb, the blind road entrance and exit should be reserved in the zebra crossing according to the design requirements of the construction drawings. Every intersection will be a barrier free facility according to the standard.
2. During construction, if there is any discrepancy in the site, it should report to the supervision and design units in time and discuss the solutions together.
6, inspection and product protection
In the construction, the horizontal ruler is used to control, the masonry should be stable, the top surface is smooth, the line is straight, the curve is round, the seam width is uniform, no sundries are polluted, and the plastic film cover is used to protect the finished products.
7. Construction of heteromorphic stone
Before laying the irregular edge stone, the circular arc should be placed first, the standard size arc is released on the ground, then the preloading is first carried out according to the large pattern, and the circular arc line is compared with the released arc line to satisfy the circular arc. If the circular arc is not satisfied, two processing should be done with a grinding machine, such as a grinding machine. It can be used in the rear of the arc.
2. The construction of irregular shaped stones should start from one side, in sequence, and the appearance should be round.


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版权 © 保定市路牙石模具厂 网址:luyashi.75ix.cn  推荐:路牙石模具,综合管廊模具,水泥井模具,护坡模具,阶梯式护坡模具
