





沿街商户在道路两侧私设斜坡,虽然方便个人出行,却影响了市容环境整洁,造成交通安全隐患以及雨季排水不畅。7月20日,相山区城管局组织开展路牙斜坡专项清理行动,取缔多处违章私设斜坡,恢复道路原貌,还路于民。 下午15时左右,黎苑路上,相山区城管三中队执法队员正在对某饭店门前私设斜坡进行清理。该处斜坡长约10米左右,由于斜坡材质过于坚硬,张强、张勇等6名执法队员不得不轮流使用铁锤、铁锹等工具将其敲碎。短短一截斜坡,执法队员用了将近半小时才将其全部粉碎。此时室外温度接近40度,队员个个制服皆已经被汗水浸透了。为了确保道路干净整洁,队员们对拆除后路面进行了清扫。许多路过市民都认为,商户不该贪图方便而随意在道路上铺设斜坡。“这种斜坡是方便了不少有车的和饭店老板,一到饭点,前来饭店吃饭的车辆都将整条人行道占满了,让我们连走的路都没了。就应该给清理掉。”有的市民对私设的斜坡意见很大。截至目前,相山区城管大队出动100余人次,清理取缔路牙斜坡20余处,清运斜坡石块、铁制模具等6车。据相山区城管局工作人员介绍,私设斜坡的方式五花八门,有的商户用水泥铺设斜坡,有的则在铁架上浇筑水泥加固,而且由于水泥斜坡成本低,执法队员清理才没多久,商户又砌上新的水泥斜坡。铁质违章斜坡被没收后,市民又会重新私砌或购买新的斜坡使用。针对这一情况,城管部门将进一步加大执法整治力度,加强执法检查和巡查工作,同时呼吁广大市民进行监督举报,一经发现查实有私砌路牙斜坡的行为,城管部门将立即予以拆除清理。 Businesses along the street on both sides of the road to private slopes, although convenient people travel, but the impact of the city environment and traffic safety hazard caused by poor drainage and rainy season. In July 20th, Xiangshan District Urban Management Bureau to carry out special clean-up operations slope road teeth, out of illegal private slopes, restore the road to the original, but also the road to the people. around 15 pm, Li Yuan Road, Xiangshan District Urban Management Squadron three law enforcement team is to clean up a slope in front of the hotel kangaroo. The slope length is about 10 meters, because the slope material is too hard, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Yong 6 law enforcement team had to take turns using hammers, shovels and other tools to break it. In a short cut, the law enforcement team took nearly half an hour to smash it all. At this time the outdoor temperature is close to 40 degrees, and all the uniforms of the team have been soaked with sweat. In order to ensure that the road was clean and tidy, the players cleaned the road after the demolition. Many people through the road to the public believe that merchants should not be greedy for convenience and lay down the slope at random. "This kind of slope is convenient for many car owners and restaurant owners. When they arrive at the restaurant, they will fill the entire sidewalk, so that we can't even go. It should be cleaned up. " Some people great views on private slopes. As of now, Xiangshan District brigade dispatched more than 100 passengers, clean up the ban Road teeth more than 20 slope, slope stone, iron mold removal 6 car. According to the Xiangshan District Urban Management Bureau staff, all kinds of private slopes, some businesses use cement laying slope, and some of the iron pouring cement, and the cement slope of low cost, clean up the law enforcement team not long before, businesses and built new cement slope. After the iron slope has been confiscated, the citizens will be re built or purchased for new slope use. In view of this situation, the urban management department will further strengthen law enforcement efforts, strengthen law enforcement and inspection work, also called on the general public supervision report, once found them private paving tooth slope behavior, the urban management department will immediately be removed clean.


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